

Optimize your Results

  • Clothing Choices

For maximum massaging effectiveness, wear a thin layer of clothing between the body and the textured surface of the mat. Wearing delicate fabrics, like silk or leather, during use is not advisable as the fabric might become damaged by the surface of the SweetCheeks Massage Mat.

  • Sitting Surface

SweetCheeks may be used on either a hard or soft seating surface. The user should experiment to see which surface works best to maximize comfort and desired results.

  • Movement

Purposeful movement while sitting on the SweetCheeks Massage Mat can further enhance the massage. Walking around and stretching after using SweetCheeks is important to achieve the best results from your massage

Maintaining Your Results

Commit to a daily regimen that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise and your thirty minute SweetCheeks Massage.

Understanding Cellulite

Cellulite affects over 90% of women in the US (and 10% of men), no matter what your weight or fitness level. Cellulite appears as uneven, dimpled texture on the surface of the skin, often referred to as ‘hail damage,’ ‘orange peel,’ or ‘cottage cheese.’ Cellulite has been described as the condition wherein fat and fluids become trapped within the connective tissue in your skin. This causes the skin to appear to bulge and pucker. Age and genetics play a part, and women are especially affected by cellulite due to several factors, including the way their connective tissue is structured. Collagen, the main protein of connective tissue, is usually structured much like a ‘picket fence’ in women’s skin, allowing fat cells to bulge through to create an orange peel effect known as cellulite. In men, the connective tissue structure generally looks more like a cross-linked fence, holding back the layer of fat more robustly, therefore the cellulite is less visible.

Researchers often grade cellulite in four categories ranging from zero to three:

Grade zero is no visible cellulite.

Grade one is mild cellulite with no real visible cellulite but if you pinch the skin a cottage cheese-like texture or mattress look is seen.

Grade two is moderate cellulite, which is visible on the legs of someone standing.

Grade two is moderate cellulite, which is visible on the legs of someone standing.

Cellulite is genetic.  A healthy diet and regular exercise, together with frequent massage, can improve the appearance of cellulite.
Available in Black and Turquoise!